Okay, if you look backwards in the history of this blog, I've said before that when you use the '*' before the variable name, that tells the compiler to create it in memory. I was a little off by that. What that '*' means is simply reference the pointer in memory. Using this prevents the computer from lugging around a variable from method to method so it can be used. By referencing the pointer, you are essentially lugging around a simple memory address that the method will use to get the value of that variable.
This essentially is saying (Figuratively of course):
I have a car but it's in the garage. If you want to see my car, lets go out to the garage, but I don't personally carry my car with me at all times.
Just thought I would clarify this Objective-C/C++ thing.
Happy Coding :-)
good way to put it. pointers are confusing...
hello, i want to get the title of the active application's window...Please help me how can i get that??
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